(Read the first short comic about COP15 here, lisez la version française ici.)
Politics is everywhere. It is why I take the time talk about the environmental backlash that happened in USA in the 1970s and the 1980s, ending by market-oriented environmental regulations. And that impacted our way to manage biodiversity.

- Bonneuil, C. 2015. Tell me where you come from, I will tell you who you are: A genealogy of biodiversity offsetting mechanisms in historical context, Biological Conservation;
- Damiens, L.P., Porter, L., Gordon, A. 2021. The politics of biodiversity offsetting across time and institutional scales, Nature Sustainability.
- Jones, B. 2021. Why the US won’t join the single most important treaty to protect nature. Vox;
- Informations about Montréal COP15 (Secrétariat of the convention on biological diversity);
- Canada and COP15;
- Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec and biodiversity;
- Montréal and COP15;
- Collectif COP15: for Living Generations (Quebec civil society alliance).